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June 2024 System Updates

Hello, GreenRope community! We're thrilled to share the latest enhancements to our platform this June. From improved subscription management features for VAR Partners to enhanced security settings and streamlined workflow functionalities across our modules, these updates are designed to elevate your user experience. Stay tuned as we delve into how these updates can benefit your business operations.


Workflows - Workflow activities, when activated in an opportunity, can be assigned to the opportunity manager now

Automation > Workflows - workflows can now create tickets

Screenshot 2024-06-26 at 3.47.50PM.png

New Journey delay type - Throttle - slows down the rate that contacts can move through a journey with accompanying dashboard widget 

Botnet Detection

Added botnet detection on email reads

Botnet detection on email clicks - new method to identify bots from emails sent out to reduce false clicks. You can view bot clicks in Email Tracking > Choose Broadcast(s) > Summary > then click on the Clicks column and look at the top of list of contacts who clicked 

Currency Support

Added support for the Kenyan Shilling and Zambian Kwacha currencies

VAR Partners

For VAR Partners - in Portal Manager > View Portal Pricing, you can specify custom text for the big green subscription button in Settings > Account > Subscription (13 Jun 2024) and subscription payment screen

For VAR Partners - added a new setting in the Portal Manager > View Portal Options for embedding the application in an Iframe called "App2IframeParent" that sets the Content-Security-Policy header for our app


Calendar - when viewing project tasks on the calendar you can now filter by assignee and completed status, tasks also show first name of who they're assigned to if not you


Contacts > View CRM - the Opportunities panel navigation tab will now show a red alert with the number of overdue activities next to the word Opportunities

Screenshot 2024-06-26 at 3.51.56PM.png

Signup Forms

Website > Signup Forms - thank you URLs now support the use of dynamic and standard contact placeholders in the URL 


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